Exhale Fans : Who are our customers ?
The Bladeless Exhale fans are used in many locations :
Inside museums – for they ability to ventilate silently large areas.
Hence, the Royal Museum of Art & History of Bruxelles has recently acquired an Exhale fan. produit.
Inside hotels – for they ability to ventilate silently large rooms, for their cost efficiency and for their nice design.
For instance, this Prestigious hotel (www.domaines-ott.com/fr) recently acquired an Exhale fan.
For private houses, because of new ecologic regulations.
Air conditioning gets progressively banned from new houses (due to more eco Friendly regulations).
Therefore the Exhale fan is the perfect solution to get efficient & ecologic ventilation of a house.
In France RT 2012 norm makes the Exhale Fan a must have.
For private houses, who want to balance the temperature of their rooms.
When you have a stove or a fireplace, you always have the same issue : it’s very hot (too hot !) near the stove but cold in the rest of the room.
The efficient ventilation of the whole room and the de-stratification created by the Vortex effect of the Exhale fan makes it a very healthy eco companion all year long.